22 Φεβ 2007

Color Theory

Let’s hope I won’t bore u to death…
Color theory is all about colors and the way we see them.
I’ll make it as easy for you to comprehend as possible.
We all know blue, yellow and red are the primary colours that produce all other colors through combinations.
There’s also black and white which represent shade and light (ciaro – scuro in Latin).
White is supposed to include all the colors of the spectrum.
We have four named components that produce all other colors that differentiate everything in our environment.
So we can say the sky is blue, the grass is green, and blood is red…
I’ll end the introduction and dive you straight to the point.
Let’s assume that what you see as blue, in my eyes is what you see as red. But I call it blue because I was taught it is blue.
Now let’s assume that this is a fact and everything you see painted blue, I see it painted red. And what you see as red I see it blue, although I call it red because I was taught to distinguish it this way.
What kind of effect could this cause?
The answer is: None!
Because we can’t explain what we see in other ways that the common and known to everybody which in that case are quite useless…
What I am trying to say is that the colors we all see are based only on subjective factors.
So if I paint a sky, some grass and blood. If you could see those with my eyes they could possibly be a red sky, some pink grass and blue blood to you.
Some might say this is bullshit and rationalize it with all the tests made on people, in order to check their reactions on colors. For example reaction to red or orange causes other palpitation than reaction to blue or yellow.
Subjectivity though makes me realize that I like blue and I react different to it than I react to red. But can anyone prove me that my blue is not your red and so on?
I know this is seditious but I don’t believe I’m the first person on the planet that considered it….
I have passed all kinds of achromatopsy (color blindness) tests.

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